
The Process of Flotation Beneficiation Plant

The Process of Flotation Beneficiation Plant

Flotation process is widely used in the beneficiation plant, and the essay of most widely used flotation process in industry is froth flotation process. The principle is: Add the chemical additives into the mineral slurry, and then blow in the air.Then the related mineral particle will adhere on the bubble that produces by the strong agitation. Finally, it will reach the purpose of mineral separation.

1. Blow the air into the flotation machine to make foam layer

Blow air into the flotation machine to make large amount of foam. The mineral ore particle will adhere on the bubble and float to the surface of the mineral slurry to shape the foam layer.

2. Prepare the mineral slurry

This process includes adjusting the density of the mineral slurry, adding the flotation chemical additives, removing the ion that prevent the flotation process and changing the surface properties of minerals to meet the separation requirements.

3. The mineral ore should be grind to particular size before flotation process

The mineral ore should be grind into particular size of particles before the flotation process. Because this can separate the useful mineral ore from the gangue. But you should control the particle size at the same time to make sure that this material can meet the requirements of the flotation process.

4. Scrap off the floating foam products, so as to achieve the purpose of flotation

Under normal circumstances, the flotation foam products will be output as the concentrate ores. Sometimes, we can also make the gangue float into the foam products as the finial output products, but the useful mineral still stay in the mineral slurry. This flotation machine which contrast with the normal flotation process is called reverse flotation.


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